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Critical Realist Lecture Series at HINN, Lillehammer


All are welcome to the following lectures, and you can join us physically at HINN møterom IN5004 or you can use the zoom link:

Meeting ID: 680 2034 7475

Passcode: 961736


The day is usually the last Friday of every month and the time is always 15.15-17.15.




Friday, August 25

Introduction to the first phases of CR: Basic, dialectic and interdisciplinarity

Leigh Price, HINN


Friday, September 29

Introduction to meta-Reality

Eirin Annamo, HINN


Friday, October 27

The critical social ontology of inalienable human rights

Priscilla Alderson, Institute of Education, UK


Friday, November 24

American pragmatism and critical realism: Quine, Putnam and Bhaskar

Trond Jakobsen, HINN




Friday, January 26

Re-examining Yoga - An applied dialectical path to unity in diversity

Inga Hornei, Bielfield University, Germany


Friday, February 23

The philosophy of critical realism and philosophical posthumanism - countervailing or complementary? 

Maria Jordet, HINN


Wednesday, March 27

Ethics and Critical Realism

Odin Brønstad, HINN


Friday, April 26

Critical Realism: Love, Forgiveness and Justice

Alan Norrie, Warwick University, UK


Friday, May 24

Open discussion (feel free to ask any questions about critical realism) and planning for the next academic year.


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